About Me

I was raised on a farm in Southwestern Minnesota I have always had an interest in building and design. This interest grew when I joined my high school’s robotic team. Being a part of a team and eventually a team captain taught me how to take on and delegate tasks to assist our team in reaching our goals and keeping on track. After High School I decided to attend SDSU for Mechanical Engineering, this decision was influenced heavily by the enjoyment I took in being a member of the robotics team where we designed robots around specific constraints to compete in competitions. My passion for Mechanical Engineering has only increased since attending SDSU.

What Drives Me

I am a very driven person when it comes to my projects and things that I am working on no matter what they are. I have always had the desire to build great things and to make them the correct way and to me that is the essence of engineering. I love learning new things when I am able to turn around and apply them right away and see the result of it working properly in its environment. I will spend countless hours learning a new subject if it helps me create something they way it is suppose to be made and applied.

What I Enjoy

I enjoy the challenge that comes with engineering, weather that be a complicated system or challenging design requirements. To me the more I dig in to a project and learn about what it is and what it will require, the more I enjoy it and get excited about what I am doing.

My Goals

My goal is to graduate as a Mechanical Engineer and work for a company in the automotive or manufacturing environment. I like to be able to design new things and come up with new ideas weather that be with a team or by my self. I also enjoy the manufacturing process of making a system of build a product or to modify a system to be more efficient. As long as it is something where I get to work on something new and exciting I will always try my best to make the best solution possible.

What I have learned over the years.