Tru Shrimp Company

Tru Shrimp is creating a system to grow shrimp on land in man made tanks. They are baised out of Balaton, Minnesota where they have a resherch center that is developing a production system for growing, harversting, and selling shrimp in the midwest year round. 

I worked for them as an opperations intern druing the summer of 2019. While I was there I created production procedures, more effecent harvesting equiment, and better analitical modles for water and feed requirements. 

Water Seperation box

My frist project at Tru Shrimp was to modify a sluce box to increase its flow rate. The constraints were that I could not modify the outside of e box, and I had only one box that could be modified. I used Solidworks and did fluid simulations to determine where the best placement of fins would be to redirect the water. 

Once it was modified the box outpreformed the simulation for it maximum flow rate. Here is a video of it working. 

Shrimp Counter

Another project I was assingened was the feasibility of counting the shrimp in the ponds through non contact methods.