Torch Height Controller
This project is for my cnc plasma cutter. the reason for this workaround solution for a THC is because the control software that is designed for plasma cutting does not have that functionality build in. Like that is crazy dumb. so this system adds a second z axis to the machine when it is in plasma cutting mode to allow the torch to stay at a constant offset away from the material.
The controller runs on an Arduino and communicates with the software with a triggering system that the cutter in engaged and the pierce delay is over. The hard part is that the plasma cutter has a high frequency ac start that can easily fry the micro controller so I had to design a filtering and isolating circuit for it. It is able to control the torch height within 3 volts of the desired operating parameter and can prevent machine crashes if the system has a false start.
Skills Learned
PID Arduino code
Circuit board design
CNC automation interface design
Sheet Cam code programing